Monday, August 30, 2010

Mensa gathering at the Texas State Fair?

Eat a big fat plate of nachos and watch your phone charging. All part of the festivities at the big fat state fair in big fat Dallas. I designed these stations for people who talk too much, and/or don't think to charge their nokia before a 12-hour waddle through the land of frying fat, twirling rides, and colorful vomit.

I reviewed a lot of these stations from China to Burger King, and except for the coin-operated chargers that lock, there is no security other than to stare at your phone. I suggest a hinged plex cover to make it more difficult to grab a phone, and we may end up blacking-out the plex, totally hiding the phone. My feelings are that if you leave your expensive phone and walk off to look at the goats and chickens, someone SHOULD take your phone and drop it in the nearest toilet. [there's gonna' be a real clutch of winners around these tables.

There's an animation of the complete setup and signage on it's way later tonite. Gotta burn avi's for Blogger. They can't process .mov files (from my mac). It's a sloooooooow burn...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Market at the Forum... get the lions.

Another poleandcan monster on 35 in North San Antonio. Greco-Roman eeycccch.

American Legion...Huzzah!

The Texas Dept. of the AL needed to augument their existing granite-and-soldier monument (the soldier is masked out of this animation sequence). I designed a concave monolith with internally illuminated push-thru graphics and granite face. It's a go. Huzzah!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Klingon Empire to land in Atlanta's new airport...

Here's my 3d build-out of the planner's design for Atlanta's newest airport's entry pylons. Lots of LED, power supplies, push-thru plex graphics, and steel. The realtime rendering of the 2d plans revealed a "misunderstanding of the form" on the part of their design. Their drawings didn't indicate it would look like a freaking Klingon battleship when constructed. They still like the way it developed, and as of this date, it looks like we have the contract.

These 30' craft sit on 35-degree inclines... ready for battle.

Friday, February 19, 2010

NASA staff will have to look at two of these everyday, from their main driveway exit...

Marriott, and some other guys got up against a build-out deadline by shopping unqualified companies. I ripped this monument out in 2 days w/ 3d renderings, animations, and an animated site-study. Dual layer plex cabinets w/ programmed full-color LED lighting: stainless steel lettering, and no logo-crap from the tenants...just names in Century Gothic.
Man, it's nice to have a client with no time left to screw around with my design.

UPDATE: This set of 28 monuments is done and paid for. The City of Nassau Bay had to have one, too. Just like the others...yay.