I'm posting this vid of my granddaughter on this site, because it was too large to email to some friends (you know who you are!) She's seen celebrating her first birthday by
wearing her cake. MacKenzie Anglin was barely a week old when she was thrown from a moving car in a terrible wreck on 1431 outside Lago Vista. She was visited by angels in human form: members of the "Smoking for Jesus Ministry", who cared for her and prayed over her until EMS arrived. The Smokin' group was on their way to a gig in Austin from Kingsland, and stopped to render aid. Mac was found facedown in a dirt-rut, still strapped into part of the carseat, and apparently not breathing. Now look at her! She's huge and hungry and happy.
There were a number of strange and miraculous things happening that day, and I can only imagine the prayer circle around that week-old baby, asking the Lord for all his mercy. I, and my wife, didn't learn of the accident until 10 pm, and the wreck had happened around 3:00pm. We were in church at 5:oo and my wife suddenly began to cry for no reason, and told me she had a feeling of "great dread". We had no idea what had happened.
Mac' sister, Eleanor was left hanging upside-down in her carseat and was pronounced dead on the scene by the EMS. But, that wasn't God's plan... She was very much alive. The EMS and Fire Department and bystanders almost got into a throw-down over it. A week later on the local news, the controversy still went on. Nobody in our family blamed anyone for anything, though. We were counting the three out of four blessings we still had.
My only son, Aaron had been a youth minister and leader in three different non-denominational churches. He searched for the truth diligently, and asked very hard questions of his elders. Six days before his death, he was confirmed into the Catholic faith and joined the church I and his sister attend. He wasn't just going to join and smile, though. He had a lot of issues with Catholicism, and wasn't going to let anyone off the hook so easy! The Lord gave us brains for a reason.
To Tiffany Thomas, and all the SFJM people... I can't say "thank you" enough. MacKenzie is your legacy. We'd love to visit your church one day soon, and meet Bro. Wilbert, and everyone else. I also want to offer up our special prayers for Wilbert, and ask God to see him through any darkness he may be dealing with. As for everyone else...Hurricane Katrina may have taken and ruined countless lives, but for one little wiggly baby way over in Central Texas on September 23, 2007, that storm was a true blessing. We have not-so-little Mac!
Guess we can call her "BigMac", now.
All our love,
Ben and Patricia Anglin